Intensity does not reside in a location, but from within. This is something to remember the next time you are unable to make that drive to the gym or if you are traveling. While it may be ideal to have all the fancy gym equipment it’s not the only way to push your limits. It is possible to achieve maximum intensity with very minimal equipment even for the most advanced lifter. All that is needed is a set of resistance bands, your body, and a little creativity. These workouts can be done at home to transform your body or as a supplement to your gym work.
Home Workout Essentials: Here is a list of some minimal equipment that would be ideal to have at home in general. Some of these are great for travel as well.
Resistance Bands: Get a set that has handles, solid tension, and comes with a variety of resistance (light/medium/heavy). Having a door attachment opens up more possibilities.
Light Dumbbells: A pair of 10’s and 15’s would be just fine and any more than this a bonus. Not required though as everything can be done with bands.
Big Furniture Floor Sliders: Those round disks you slide under the feet of heavy furniture to help move them. These work great for a variety of exercises and should be on the list. Most of these moves can also be done with hand towels or socks if working on hard flooring such as wood, marble, or linoleum.
The Split:
Monday: Upper Body
Tuesday: Lower Body
Wednesday: HIIT/Abs
Thursday: Upper Body
Friday: Lower Body
Saturday: HIIT/Abs
Sunday: Off
Warm Up and Rest periods:
Take 5-10 minutes to warm up before the workout to get your mind and body ready. A quick jog will do the trick.
Keep rest periods at a strict 60 seconds.
If you are looking to cut body fat eat in a clean calorie deficit with protein at 1.25 grams per pound of bodyweight, fats 0.25 grams per pound, and carbs ranging from a low 0.75, 1.0, and 1.25 grams per pound gentle carb cycle. Go low carbs on off days, high carbs on leg days, and medium carbs on all the others.
Stay fully hydrated throughout the day and especially before and during the workout to keep strength and endurance at optimum levels.
Have a fast digesting whey protein shake immediately after the workout followed by a quality meal around 45-60 minutes afterwards.
The Set Up: Get a medium or heavy gauged band and stretch it across the floor, near to the ground, between two sturdy objects. You want it fairly tight and able to snap like a stretched rubber band. This will be the set up used for most exercises today unless noted otherwise.
Superset: Do two exercises back to back without rest for one round.
Pause-rest: Once you reach failure rest for 4-8 secs then resume your set for additional reps.
Upper Body Workout:
Superset 1: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for one set. Do 3 sets total.
1a. Banded Staggered Push Ups: 3 sets of 20 reps.
(Note: Slide under the stretched, taunt band mentioned in “The Set Up” above. While in the Up Plank start position one hand should be directly under the shoulder and the other hand in normal push up position, a little higher and out. Perform 10 clean, slow push ups, then switch hand positions for another 10 reps.)
1b. Banded Behind Wide Pull: 3 sets of 20 reps each side.
(Note: Use a medium to heavy gauged band and a door attachment set at the top of a door. Sit on the floor, maybe on a pillow or something soft, facing away from the door. Perform a Wide Grip Pulldown pausing at the bottom contract for 4 counts. As you pull down lift the chest up high.)
2. Banded Uni-lateral Fly & Press: 3 sets of 15 reps each side.
(Note: Using our stretched band, The Set Up, lay parallel to it with one arm holding it making a 90 degree angle with the floor. Your hand should be right above your elbow. Press the band upward, contract the pec, then perform a full fly crossing over the chest at the top, then lower the band back to starting position. Do these slower and controlled focusing on contractions. Go back and forth between sides with no rest. )
3. Banded Uni-lateral Bent Over Row: 3 sets of 15 reps each side.
(Note: Using our stretched band, The Set Up, stand parallel to the band in bent over row position with your hip safely hinged. Grab the band with your hand. Place your opposite hand on your knee to support your lower back. Perform a single arm row pausing at the top for a 4 count. The elbow should come up and back. Relax the traps. Get a good stretch at the bottom of each set. Go back and forth between sides with barely any rest. Just a few seconds to let your lower back relax.)
Superset 4: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for one set. Do 4 sets total.
4a. Banded Front Raise: 4 sets of 15 reps.
(Note: Using our stretched band, The Set Up, kneel in front of it and grab the band with a shoulder width grip. Perform front raises to eye level and lower but don’t allow rest at the bottom starting position. Keep constant tension on the delts.)
4b. Banded Lying Behind the Neck Press: 4 sets of 15 reps.
(Note: Using our stretched band, The Set Up, lay on your back with the band right under your neck. Grab the band with a wider than shoulder width grip, arms should be making 90 degree angles, then do slow behind the neck presses.)
Giant Set 5: Do these three exercises back to back without rest for one set. Do 4 sets total.
5a. Plank Triceps Extensions 4 sets of 12-15 reps.
(Note: Start in Up Plank position, regular push up position, and slowly lower yourself down to forearms using your Triceps. Try to have each arm take equal resistance and work at the same time. Then press back up to Up Plank position. Do the indicated reps. Pause rest if necessary.)
5b. Banded Overhead Triceps Extension: 4 sets of 15 reps.
(Note: Using our stretched band, The Set Up, sit in front of the band facing away and perform overhead triceps extensions.)
5c. Banded Close Grip Curl: 4 sets of 15 reps.
(Note: Using our stretched band, The Set Up, kneel in front of the band and perform curls. Place your hands inside shoulder width, slightly closer, to stress the outer head of the Biceps. Get a full Biceps stretch at the bottom and hold each top contraction for a at least a 2 count.)
Lower Body:
Superset 1: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for one set. Do 4 sets total.
1a. Banded Hack Squat: 4 sets of 15.
(Note: Using a heavy gauged band stretched out, “The Set Up” mentioned above, stand directly in front of it and lower into squat position. Grab the band that should now be right behind your heels with straight arms. Keep your torso upright, hip down, knees behind your toes. Perform a squat in this position flexing the thighs and glutes at the top of each rep.)
1b. Banded Deadlift: 4 sets of 15 reps.
(Note: Immediate after the Hack Squats step behind the band and go right into Deadlifts.)
Superset 2: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for one set. Do 3 sets total.
2a. Split Squats: 3 sets of 12-15 each side.
(Note: Standing in front of a couch or sturdy chair facing away place your back foot up on top. Your front foot should be out far enough that you can perform a squat and your knee stay behind your toes. Your chin should be straight up and down. As you squat down keep your torso upright and don’t lean forward. Be sure to flex your thigh and glute at the top of each rep.)
2b. High Knees: 3 sets of 60 seconds.
(Note: This is like running in place, but be light on your toes and bring your knees up as high as possible. I understand that these soon become ‘low knees’, but do your best to keep them intense and not coast.)
Superset 3: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for one set. Do 3 sets total.
3a. Banded Unilateral Stiff Leg Deadlifts: 3 sets of 15 each side.
(Note: Using our stretched band, The Set Up, and a chair for balance perform single leg straight leg deadlifts. You are hinging your hip while keeping your leg straight, or near straight. Find that deep hamstring stretch on each rep.)
3b. Sumo Deadlifts: 3 sets of 15 reps.
(Note: Using our stretched band, The Set Up, perform Sumo Deadlifts. Take them nice and slow flexing the thighs and glutes at the top of each rep. You are looking to find a deep inner thigh stretch at the bottom of each rep.)
Unilateral Superset 4: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for one set. Do 3 sets total.
4a. Single Leg Standing Calf Raise: 3 sets of 15 reps each side.
(Note: Using our stretched band, The Set Up, and a chair for balance perform single leg calf raises. Your outside leg will be straight and the hand holding our stretched band. The inside hand will be holding on to a chair and that leg will remain off the ground. Pause at the top of each rep for a solid 3 count and lower slowly. If you start with your Right foot immediately go into 4b on the R. Then start this superset again on the Left side. No rest required between sets. Just start again.)
4b. Single Leg Calf Jumps: 3 sets of 30 secs.
(Note: Immediately after working the R side in 4a do these single leg calf jumps on the R side. Then go back to 4a for the Left side and then these calf jumps on the left side. Then restart on the R without rest. Just keep going without rest until all sets and sides are done.)
Abs and HIIT
Rest Periods: 45 secs
Superset 1: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for one set. Do 3 sets total.
1a. V Ups: 3 sets of 15 reps.
(Note: While laying on your back with your legs straight out stretch your hands back behind your head. Both legs and arms are just off the ground. Slowly bring your arms and legs together to near meet right above your midsection. Then reach your hands up towards your legs or a crunch. Return to start and repeat.)
1b. Spears: 3 sets of 15 reps.
(Note: Lay on your back with your legs lifted straight up. Your palms should be pressing downward on the floor. Using your core lift your hip and stab your legs straight upward.)
Superset 2: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for one set. Do 3 sets total.
2a. Bicycle Crunch: 3 sets of 20 reps alternating sides.
2b. Russian Twist: 3 sets of 30 reps alternating sides.
(Note: If you have a problem holding the boat position the modification is to have only one heel barely touching the ground and switch heels with each rep.)
3. Plank: 2 rounds of 60 secs each.
Superset 4: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for one set. Do 7 sets total. Only 30 secs rest between sets.
4a. Half Burpee: 7 sets of 15 secs.
4b. Mountain Climber: 7 sets of 15 secs.
Michael Wittig, ISSA CPT
Natural Pro 3x Champ
Master World Champion
All socials: @WittigWorks
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