Iron Man Magazine What Inspires YouIron Man MagazineOctober 24, 2014
Mike Mentzer Heavy Duty Rest/Pause
Back in my younger days I was a Mike Mentzer fan, reading, absorbing and applying everything he wrote about his Heavy...
Steve HolmanSeptember 27, 2014 -
The Power of Prime-Time Vision
Martial arts legend Bruce Lee knew the purpose and importance of having vision. “A goal is not always meant to be...
Iron Man MagazineSeptember 19, 2014 -
How to Stay Motivated for Life
Most of us who are now middle-aged began training when we were kids, typically between ages 13 and 16. Think back...
Ron HarrisSeptember 5, 2014 -
The Hepburn Routine
In 1969, Wes Woo, the coach of the Canadian team that competed in the ’68 Olympics in Mexico City, invited Bob...
Bill StarrAugust 16, 2014 -
A Guide to Building a Rock-Solid Physique and a Life
You may recognize this guy. He stumbles out of bed feeling as though he hasn’t slept. That’s because he really hasn’t....
Vince Del MonteJuly 28, 2014 -
Counting Sets and Reps and Other Blessings
You know you’re in the somber winter stretch when it’s dark at 5:15 and you’re digging around your wardrobe for a...
Dave DraperJuly 20, 2014 -
Timed Squats
When we were competing in Olympic lifting as members of the York Barbell team, Tommy Suggs and I devised a program...
Bill StarrJune 25, 2014 -
Motivation for a Mass Detonation
Motivation seems to be a huge issue for a lot of people I talk with. They often ask me how I...
Ron HarrisMay 22, 2014 -
Sex With Your Workouts?
• Working out is sexy—well, maybe not while you’re doing it, at least most exercises, but the results you get can...
Iron Man MagazineApril 27, 2014 -
Let’s Not Train and Say We Did
Since our last conversation life has happened with regularity and normalcy. Shadows lengthened over familiar landscapes, fragrant flora awash in pure...
Dave DraperMarch 29, 2014 -
Managing Your Stress & Getting Enough Sleep
Q: About six months ago I got a promotion at work, but it has increased my stress significantly. I’m constantly waking...
Ben WhiteMarch 7, 2014 -
Too Distracted to Have a Purpose
Going through life without a particular purpose is okay. You get by. You don’t go anywhere, but the days pass. There’s...
Dave DraperJanuary 18, 2014 -
Twig to Big: Interview with Vince Del Monte
Have you ever wanted to be like “that guy”? You know, that guy the girls talk about––poke each other and point...
David YoungNovember 22, 2013 -
Airborne: Lift Now, Lift Hard, Lift Good
I’ve never been a student—that is, one who studies. School from grade one was a ladder I had to climb to...
Dave DraperNovember 18, 2013