You Can Look, But Don’t Jump
I remember when I had 20-inch arms and gas was 19.9 cents a gallon. Those were the days.
Dave DraperJuly 22, 2008 -
The Brothers Grimm
How the Grimm brothers trained in the two workouts I outlined is similar to the way many people train. Let’s look...
Stuart McRobertFebruary 12, 2008 -
An Ideal Beginning Strength Program
The majority of requests for information I receive deal with back injuries and programming. This month I present what I believe...
Bill StarrFebruary 4, 2008 -
Vince Gironda’s Bodybuilding for Beginners
Gironda believed that a beginner doesn't need a day of rest between workouts. Instead, Vince advised beginners to exercise daily'resting only...
Gene MozeeJanuary 15, 2008 -
A Bodybuilder is Born, Episode 31
Here’s what I want you to do, Randy. Stay off that thread because it’s only going to mess with your head....
Ron HarrisJanuary 8, 2008 -
Hardgainers, Get Happy!
If you’re an ectomorph, a thin, hardgainer type, often frustrated because it’s so hard to add muscle—there’s much to be thankful...
Becky HolmanJanuary 4, 2008 -
Nothing builds confidence like success, and the harder you try, the more you will succeed.Randall Strossen, Ph.D.January 3, 2008
Relationships, Part 2
IRON MAN’s success over the past 71 years is directly connected to our ability to deliver quality information that our readers...
John BalikJuly 4, 2007 -
Subliminal Sabotage: Who are your workout partners?
Your success in bodybuilding is affected by those around you. If you conform to the beliefs, values and opinions of others,...
Skip La CourJanuary 29, 2001 -
Book Review: Arnold’s Encyclopedia
There’s probably not a bodybuilder alive who hasn’t owned it, borrowed it or at least read several chapters in it. I’m...
Jonathan LawsonNovember 1, 1999