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End of a busy week

Once again, I’m sitting here amazed that it’s already Friday.  It’s been another busy week!  I’ve been busy training my clients and and crankin’ out hard workouts.  Tricia and I adjusted our workouts up a day this week because she anticipated being gone today.  But, she didn’t leave town until this afternoon so we squeezed in an extra leg workout this morning.

With the workout adjustment we trained back on Wednesday.  Eli Kaplan from The Daily Texan (UT’s student newspaper) wanted to photograph our workout, so he met us at Hyde Park Gym shortly after noon.  It seems that being photographed or filmed during a workout always gets my adrenaline going and Wednesday was no exception.  I was extremely sore from my heavy squat workout on Monday and my chest workout Tuesday.  But, with the workout being photo-documented I was able to summon the strength to knock out a Herculean training session.  On Thursday we met at Gold’s and even though I was sore all over, we still got a great shoulder and arm workout.  Maybe it’s the extra carbs I’ve been eating but my bi’s and tri’s were so pumped that they felt like they were about to explode!  While I sometimes complain about the intense burn, I love that feeling!!!!

Wednesday Back:

Lat Pulldowns  5 sets 12, 12, 10, 8, 12

Seated Cable Row  4 sets 12, 12, 10, 8

High Pulley Row  3 sets 12, 12, 10

One Arm DB Row 3 sets 10-12 reps

Partial Deadlifts (my back and legs were still very sore from squatting.  These were hard!)

5 sets 15, 15, 15, 12, 12

Thursday   Shoulders/Arms

Seated DB Press 7 sets 15, 15, 12, 10, 10, 10, 6  (85 lb DB’s for my final set)

DB Lateral Raise  4 sets 12 reps

Rear Delt Flys  4 sets 12-15 reps

Skull Crushers  4 sets 15, 15, 15, 12

Pressdowns  4 sets 15, 10, 8, 4 with a drop set additional 6 reps

Friday Legs

Single Leg Press 6 sets 15-20 reps each leg

Single Leg Extension 5 sets 12-15 reps each leg

Lying Leg Curls  4 sets 10-12 reps (these still hurt my hamstring tendon a lot.  And, it’s been 14 full months since the surger)

Calf Raises on the Hack Machine  5 sets 12-15 reps

Instantized Creatine- Gains In Bulk

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