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Bodybuilding/Figure seminar

I’ve been out of town with very little computer access for a couple of days.  I flew out to California to collaborate with Dr. Joe Klemczewski on a contest preparation seminar in Santa Rosa on Saturday.  We were well attended and it was a lot of fun.  Dr. Joe and I have worked together on about half a dozen seminars over the last 7 years and I always learn something from listening to him speak about nutrition.  When it comes to drug-free bodybuilding/fitness nutrition, Dr Joe is definitely the best there is.  Joe not only talks about nutrition, he lives what he preaches.  Joe is a drug-free WNBF Pro who is still competing and is always in great shape.  You can check him out on  Dr. Joe and I will be working together again on Dr. Joe’s Fantasy Camp in Evansville, IN, January 4-6, 2008.  In this camp we actually train with the attendees so that they can see what it’s like to train with the pros.  There will be WNBF Pro champion bodybuilders and figure competitors involved.  I will post more details as they become available.

My hosts for the weekend were my very good friends, Bob Bell and Tina Smith.  Bob and Tina are WNBF Pro bodybuilders and they also do a fantastic job promoting drug-free bodybuilding with their show, the INBF Capital City Classic.  I haven’t seen Bob and Tina for about 2 and half years.  In the interim they’ve had twins.  Little Bobby and Tyra will be 2 years old next month.  All I can say is that it’s been a long time since my daughters were 2 yrs old, and I was so lucky that they weren’t going through the “terrible two’s” at the same time :)

Instantized Creatine- Gains In Bulk

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