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Waiting to find out

Today I had an appointment with my orthopaedic surgeon.  I either have a ruptured biceps femoris tendon, or the biceps femoris is so badly torn that there is no tension on the tendon.  Either way it’s bad.  I spent almost 2 hours today in MRI.  I was hoping to get a call this afternoon with the verdict but it didn’t happen.  I guess tomorrow I’ll find out for sure if I’ll be having surgery.  I’m pretty sure that’s what will happen.

But, I had some time between clients this evening and got a workout in!

Lat Pulldowns 4 sets 12-15 reps

Seated leve row 4 sets 12-15 reps

Hammer Strength High incline Row  3 sets 15 reps

I got a pretty good pump.  I had to be careful not to engage my hamstrings.

Tomorrow I’m going to work chest with Brenda.  We’ll see how it goes.  I hope to still guest pose at the NPC Central Texas Roundup on August 4th.   My best buddy, CBX, is promoting the show.  He wants me to pose, even if I have to go out there on crutches.  I’m still ripped to shreds.  I haven’t had a cheat meal yet.

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