IRON MAN E-Zine: Issue #742:
High-Rep Hyper-Growth: Only Once a Week for a More Massive Physique
High-Rep Hyper-Growth: Only Once a Week for a More Massive Physique
Q: Doug Brignole’s high-rep method [explained in his interview in The Ultimate Power-Density Mass Workout 2.0] sounds interesting. I’d like to try it once a week for upper body. Do you think it would be okay to do an entire workout with his "Super TORQ" for chest, back and arms, and at the other workouts that week do standard training?
A: Faster mass creation is all about experimentation. We really like your idea, as it’s similar to some of the Power-Density mass workouts in that e-book that alternate heavy training with TORQ.
Plus, your idea of one ENTIRE Super TORQ workout a week works well with the split we usually recommend, which is this…
Monday: Chest, back, abs
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: Delts, arms
Friday: Chest, back, abs, calves
On that split, Friday would be a great day to use Doug’s one-exercise-per-muscle method. He does a 50-40-30-20-10 rep sequence, adding weight on each set. He goes to failure or gets close on every set–and, yes, it hurts (but it works big time).
He also likes drop sets on the last set. (He explains all of that in his interview in The Ultimate Power-Density Mass Workout 2.0 and outlines his complete routine too–only ONE exercise for each muscle.)
So on Friday your entire chest workout would be…
Decline DB presses, 5 x 50, 40, 30, 20, 10(5)(5)
As we mentioned Doug likes drop sets on the last set, but we like rest/pause–rest 10 seconds, then use the same weight to rep out; rest 10 more seconds, then rep out one last time.
You can do drops if your gym is not too crowded. However, rest/pause makes it easier to extend that last set than grabbing lighter dumbbells–especially when someone has grabbed them before you….
For back you could use chest-supported rows and pulldowns. Or just V-handle cable rows, which work mid back AND lats thoroughly.
What about arms? You will get arm work when you train chest and back on both Monday (heavier) and Friday (Super TORQ). Even with just the above exercises your arms are working on every rep. BUT you could do the Wednesday delts-and-arms training with Super TORQ as well…
So if you decide to Super-TORQ your arms and delts on Wednesday, they won’t be missing out on heavier myofibrillar stimulation for that layer of mass detonation.
Till next time, train hard–and smart–for BIG results.
–Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
Newly Updated E-book: The Ultimate POWER-DENSITY Mass Workout 2.0 with SUPER TORQ training–ONLY $12…
The Updated Power-Density Mass Workout 2.0 is only $12 (regular price is $24). We’ve revised this classic e-book with new chapters and workouts, including an interview with Mr. America Doug Brignole on his unique high-rep mass method–and we’ve included his complete workout with what we call Super TORQ: Only one exercise per muscle with a 50-40-30-20-10 sequence. We also outline 2 more new programs, OUR Super TORQ routine, based on Doug’s but tweaked with a few standard sets, and a Power-Density version that has Super TORQ at one workout and heavy full-range Positions-of-Flexion training at the next. This is our most exciting e-book yet. For more on the updated Power-Density Workout 2.0 with Super TORQ (ONLY $12 for a LIMITED TIME), Go HERE <==
LIMITED-TIME $14.99 to $19.99 BEST-SELLERS: We’re offering each of these at their lowest price ever to get you big and ripped by spring. Click on the title you’re interested in for more info…
1) The 4X Mass Workout–fast, simplified supersaturation training for X-treme size
2) The X-traordinary X-Rep Workout–the latest update to our original X e-book
3) The X-centric Mass Workout–the negative-accentuated training manual
4) The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout–total body transformation training
5) X-traordinary Muscle-Building Workouts–10 complete mass programs
6) X-traordinary Arms–includes the 3D HIT workout system with big-arms routines
7) 3D Muscle Building–the original Positions-of-Flexion mass-training manual
8) X-treme Lean—Fat-Burning and Nutrition Guide (with training too)
9) The Ultimate Power-Density Mass Workout
10) The Ultimate 10×10 Mass Workout
To follow the ITRC training program in “Train, Eat, Grow,” get a copy of the latest issue of IRON MAN.
This Special Report was submitted by Jonathan Lawson and Steve Holman.
The IRON MAN Training & Research Team
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