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Ezine #897: Speed Muscle Growth

Q: I tried DP 4X on my big midrange exercise with a speed drop set after the last one. Wow, what an amazing feel and pump. I do behind-the-neck presses for delts. Can I use it on those too if I’m careful?

Q: I tried DP 4X on my big midrange exercise with a speed drop set after the last one. Wow, what an amazing feel and pump. I do behind-the-neck presses for delts. Can I use it on those too if I’m careful?

A: You could–but you may end up needing rotator cuff surgery…

Any exercise that is even somewhat dangerous should not have you EVER moving fast, even if the weight is light. That also includes behind-the-neck pulldowns…

Now that doesn’t mean we’re against those exercises. In fact, we often use behind-the-neck pulldowns for a unique upper-back attack–midback plus lats. However, there are some rules we follow…

1) Never do behind-the-neck exercises first–in fact, we like them at the very end of the target-muscle routine.

2) Keep your reps no faster than a 2/3 tempo–lift in two seconds, lower in three–and, again, no speed sets.

3) Stop the bar at about ear level, no lower, or you could damage the shoulder capsule.

4) Do not fully lock your elbows–you’ll maintain target-muscle tension and avoid putting your elbows and/or shoulders in potential danger.

As we’ve mentioned in previous e-zines, speed, or X-celeration, sets can help you activate new and/or dormant growth fibers, according to researchers. But…

There’s no reason to risk joint damage or pain for new muscle gain.

Till next time, train hard–and smart–for BIG results.

–Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson

Newest Release:

The Super-Size Crash Course is our latest and most exciting e-book yet. It includes Jordon Williamson’s 18-pounds-of-muscle-in 12-weeks program plus alternate workouts (moderate-weight for older trainees). Also includes the new Progressive-Speed 4X mass method and Steve’s radical new 2-Days-On, Muscle-Up, Fat-Gone Diet. Add it to your mass-building library today. More infoGo HERE

To follow the ITRC training program in “Train, Eat, Grow,” get a copy of the latest issue of IRON MAN.

This Special Report was submitted by Jonathan Lawson and Steve Holman.
The IRON MAN Training & Research Team

The ITRC Training Newsletter is not intended as training advice for everyone. You must consult your physician before beginning any diet or training program. You may forward this email to as many friends as you want, but do not photocopy or reprint this report in any format without the written permission of the copyright holder.

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