As a competitive diet coach I have gotten the opportunity to work with many great athletes over the years. This year I have had the pleasure to work with another exceptional athlete, IFBB Figure Pro Natalie Waples.

Attitude of Champion comes through onstage
What made her special this year in my mind is her attitude amidst all kinds of challenges and disappointments. Many competitors want only to win but a true champion k
nows how to take defeat and challenges in the same manner as victory. It is this kind of positive attitude and sportsmanship that impressed me the most and deserves recognition.
Natalie competed seven times professionally this year, and with each outing put 110% into her efforts. She stayed positive and professional even when confronted with serious disappointment. Many competitors claim to compete only for themselves, often saying that they only want to do better than last year. However, when the rubber meets the road and they are confronted with a loss they fall apart on the inside and sometimes on the outside. This was not the case with Natalie this year. Whether she got last call out or first call out at a show, I was impressed with her sense of professionalism and her ability to pull herself together and push onward no matter what the show outcome.
It pleased me very much to take Natalie to compete in the IFBB Figure Olympia this year where she did a fantastic job and looked great in a tough field. No matter the outcome, this sport needs to add value to every competitor’s life. This seems to be the case for Natalie; and I am blessed and happy to be a part of it. I am looking forward to even greater things this next year with her! Many competitors can take a lesson in being a champion from Natalie. Not everyone will win a title or show, but everyone can be a champion when you have an attitude like Natalie Waples.
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