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You Are the Answer

ironmanmagazine.comMany are looking to put the blame for our uncertain economy anywhere but on that reflection in the mirror. A strong national economy starts with a strong personal economy. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that one of the worst economies we’ve experienced is accompanied by one of the worst health crises in history.

The proof is all around us. Many are gripped by epidemic levels of physical disaster—obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression and cancer. It is costing not only the individual but the country as well. The cost of medical care for obesity-related health problems in the United States in 2008 was $147 billion—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

How does obesity affect your personal economy? When you’re not at your best physically, everything suffers. You don’t have the energy to produce what you should. You aren’t as creative as you could be. You take longer than you should to do tasks. You become a burden on an already strapped health-care system and possibly even your children.

You’re also not as smart. President John Kennedy famously said, “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” I think he was trying to say that if you want to be a good thinker, you need to get into the gym and be a bit of a stinker.

The fact is, the same blood that flows through your body also flows through your mind. If you have healthy, oxygenated blood, your body and mind will operate at peak performance. If you have thick, fat-laden blood oozing through your veins, your body and mind will be sluggish.

As an IRON MAN reader, you know that the bodybuilding lifestyle keeps you healthy, strong, energetic, vibrant and muscular as you age, especially if you train smart without destroying your joints.

Want a strong economy? Start helping those around you to live the IRON MAN lifestyle with these four simple steps:


1) Follow a sound nutrition plan.

2) Exercise regularly—weight training is key.

3) Drink plenty of water.

4) Get enough rest.


Taking responsibility for ourselves would transform us as a nation. The most valuable currency we have today is human performance, and each of us is here to serve with our talents, abilities and skills. When you neglect yourself, you’re damaging your most valuable asset and denying your best contribution to society. As an IRON MAN reader you already know that. Help spread the word!

—John Rowley

Instantized Creatine- Gains In Bulk

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