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Tuesday=Chest day

For me, two things are pretty certain on Tuesdays.  One, my legs are going to be sore.  And two, I’m doing a chest workout!  My legs, glutes, and back are growing more sore (from my squats yesterday) as I write this blog entry.  It’s a good thing that tomorrow is a rest day.  I’m going to need it!!!

Tricia met me at Hyde Park Gym today for our chest workout.  I love working chest at Hyde Park because the bench press rack is low enough that I can actually get the bar racked by myself if necessary, and I love the angle of the incline press bench!  Add to that, I don’t have to listen to any lame-ass music here, so I can concentrate better.  I love bench pressing, but I’ve kinda been struggling with the bench lately.  In my first few warmup sets my left pec was hurting and my shoulders were really stiff and sore.  On my third warmup set my right elbow popped on every rep.  I don’t know what that was all about!  On my fourth set it popped for about the first 5 reps then stopped and didn’t bother me the rest of the workout.  Thank God!!!

As I said, I’ve been struggling a bit with the bench press, but my incline presses have really been improving.  That’s very encouraging!  I’ve been getting significantly stronger on my pec machine flys too.  I followed my chest workout with some “bonus” lateral raises and hammer curls.  I’m really liking the feel of doing the lateral raises after chest.  I’m so much stronger than when I do them after overhead presses on shoulder day.

Bench Press 135X12X12, 185X12X12, 205X12, 225X8

Incline Press 135X12, 165X10, 185X10, 205X8X10

Pec Fly Machine  3 sets 12-15 reps

Lateral Raises 4 sets 15, 12, 12, 10

Hammer Curls 3 sets 15, 12, 12

Instantized Creatine- Gains In Bulk

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