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Training Legs on Tuesdays now

For nearly 30 years I’ve trained legs on Mondays.  But, recently I switched up my leg training to Tuesdays and Fridays so that I can workout with some of my clients who, 1. Really enjoy training with me, and 2. Inspire me to train harder and in perfect technique (I want to set a good example).  My buddy, Dennis Ceder, is my Friday training partner.  On Tuesdays I’ve been training with Dawn Lamb and Dianna Rojas.  Dawn is a figure competitor who has been training with me for about a year.  Interestingly, her dad helped me prepare for my first powerlifting meet in 1985.  Dianna is a bikini competitor from South Padre Island, TX, and is an Exercise Science major at the University of Texas, Brownsville.  She is preparing for some competitions this summer and is doing an internship with me.

Today is was just me and Dianna.  As we started warming up for squats she informed me that she had already done a 90 minute boot camp, and 90 minutes of bikraim (sp?) yoga this morning.  She’s a tough cookie though and pushed hard through a great workout.

Squats 95X10, 135X10, 185X10, 225X10, 275X10 (I injured my shoulder several weeks ago and it was really difficult to get situated under the bar for the first several sets)

Leg Press 90X20, 270X20, 450X20, 630X20, 720X20, 770X20, 450X85

Leg Curls 40X12X12X10X8

Leg Ext 80X12 90X12X12X12

Hack Machine Calf Raise  150X12X12X12X12

As I sit at my desk typing right now my quads are screaming at me!!!




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