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Tag-teamed by Brenda and Abby on chest

Today was a bit unusual to say the least.  I was feeling really tired because I started watching Apocalypto last night (a little too late).  I kept getting interrupted and had to pause it, since I didn’t want to miss reading any of the subtitles.  Well, I got hooked and couldn’t stop watching until it was over…about 12:30am.  I had to get up at 5am to meet my first client at the gym at 6.  So, I was tired!!!

Abby’s car got hit on her way to the gym, so she didn’t think she was going to make it.  I was running a little late, and Brenda was doing cardio when I got there.  Well, Brenda and I got through a great bench press routine to start the chest workout.  Abby made it in about the time we started on incline.  By the time we finished inclines Abby was ready to start.  Brenda got a call and had to leave immediately to pick up her sister who was ill.  So, I jumped in on extra sets of incline presses with Abby.  Abby and I finished up with flys on the pec machine, and then a few supersets of hanging knee raises and pulley ab curls.  It turned out to be a fantastic chest workout….just a little out of the ordinary.

By the way, if you missed Abby’s Hardbody layout in the June issue of Ironman, you’ll have another opportunity to check her out in the August issue.  She’s got a great Bill Dobbins photo in the Hardbody section and a couple great shots by Mike Neveux on the Reader’s Write page.

Here’s today’s chest workout (my sets and reps)

Bench Press 5 sets 10-18 reps

Incline Press 6 sets 8-12 reps

Pec fly machine 4 sets 12-15 reps

Hanging knee raises supersetted with rope pulley crunches 3 supersets 12-15 reps.

This morning I weighed 171 lbs stripped down.  Skindex says 2.7% bodyfat.

Instantized Creatine- Gains In Bulk

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