IRON MAN E-Zine: Issue #495:
Muscle-Size-Surge Trick: The 3X Mass Switch
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* Try This at Your Next Workout
Limited Half-Price Offer: To help you pack on maximum mass through the fall and winter, we’re offering Jonathan Lawson’s Size Surge Workout or Steve Holman’s 3D Muscle Building at half price until Wednesday, October 27, 6 p.m. PST. The Size Surge e-program contains Jonathan’s complete blueprint he used to pack on 20 pounds of muscle in 10 weeks–including his diet, exact workouts, exercise tips and budget supplement schedule. Holman’s 3D Muscle Building is the official Positions-of-Flexion mass-building e-manual that includes everything from POF full-range mass workouts to Power/Rep Range/Shock to multi-rep rest/pause to X Reps as well as an analysis of the Size Surge experiment with unique variations. You can get either at half price or both together at less than half price (best deal). For more info, go HERE.
Muscle-Size-Surge Trick: The 3X Mass Switch
Q: I’m a thin body type, and I want to try Jonathan’s 10-week Size Surge Workout to add some mass quickly. I’ve been training for a few years without much success, so I know that genetics play a big role in gains. My genetics aren’t in Jonathan’s category, so are there any changes I should make to his Size Surge program for me to be more successful? I was thinking about doing his workouts with the 4X technique, only the last set to failure, to make it less stressful. What do you think?
A: Good observation about genetics. The first two pics above are from Jonathan’s Size Surge experience. Even though he’s lifetime drug-free, he gained 20 pounds of muscle in 2 1/2 months. But to be fair, he was regaining some of that mass–he’d been a bit more muscular a few years earlier, before he lost his drive. Nevertheless, he gained more than 10 pounds of NEW muscle with the Size Surge program, not to mention loads of motivation–and his waist got smaller (his bodyfat went down)…
You can see from the last more recent pic that Jonathan does have a genetic predisposition for bodybuilding–small joints, good structure, small waist, long muscle bellies. Considering all of that, his Size Surge workouts might be somewhat taxing for more genetically challenged trainees like yourself…
So would merging the 4X method with Size Surge be more conducive to giving you muscle gains? Yes, but we think pulling it back to 3X will build mass faster for your body type. To explain, let’s start with the Phase 1 split:
Monday: Quads, hams, chest, back, delts, calves
Wednesday: Deadlifts, calves, biceps, triceps, forearms, abs
Friday: Quads, hams, calves, chest, back, delts
You only do one or two key exercises for every bodypart, so the workouts each contain only about 10 exercise total. (If you don’t have the Size Surge e-book, you could simply plug in your favorite two exercises for each bodypart in the above split.) Doing 3X for every exercise instead of 4X will allow you to use a bit more weight with a 3X sequence–plus you’ll save recovery ability by doing one less set per exercise.
For the uninitiated, 3X is taking a weight that you could get about 14 reps with, but you only do 10; rest 30 seconds and do 10 more; rest 30 seconds and do a final all-out third set of 10. Simple and quick. Notice that the last set should be to muscular exhaustion–in fact, you should not be able to get 10 reps. If you do, keep going till you can’t do another–then add weight at your next workout.
Because you use the same moderately heavy weight all the way through a 3X sequence, the first set is not all out and acts as a warmup. That means no ancillary warmup sets are necessary on most exercises. (However, we recommend one lighter set before the 3X sequence on the more demanding moves like squats and bench presses.)
With 3X on every exercise, you’ll fly through this workout and get a full skin-stretching pump along with a deep growth ache after. It works! Remember, only the last set of a 3X sequence is to failure, so you’ll have more recovery ability left without getting an overdose of the stress hormone cortisol. Being a thin ectomorph, you can produce too much of that muscle-eating hormone in the first place. You must control that to grow (very important), and 3X will help.
You also get a day off after each anabolic assault, so even though you’re working a lot of bodyparts, you should recover completely by your next workout day. It’s truly a great mass-building split…
Another positive is that you only work arms directly once a week–on Wednesday. That’s ideal because your arms get so much work from the pressing, pulling and rowing on Monday and Friday. Technically your arms are getting hit three days a week, with a day of rest after each, so get ready for a sleeve-stretching growth spurt from this unique attack.
One last BIG Size Surge plus: A key to overall muscle growth is including the best anabolic-acceleration exercise at the START of each workout–either squats or deadlifts. Studies show that hard work on either of those two major mass moves upfront produces a BIG testosterone surge that benefits growth in ALL muscles trained after. Monday and Friday you do squats as your first exercise; Wednesday it’s deadlifts. Talk about a serious size surge!
All of the above adds up to a mega-mass boost for any trainee–be you genetically challenged or not. For those who are more genetically average or above, you can try 4X on every exercise to pack on more size or hit Jonathan’s workout exactly as it’s listed. We’re confident that the Size Surge program can help you grow like never before.
Till next time, train hard–and smart–for BIG results.
[Note: For those who don’t own Jonathan’s Size Surge Workout e-program, remember that it’s available at half-price for a limited time HERE. If you already have it, you can get Steve’s 3D Muscle Building, the official Positions-of-Flexion mass-building e-manual that also includes a Size Surge analysis at half price HERE also. Both are bodybuilding best-sellers packed with mass-building info you need to succeed.
Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
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Latest release: The 4X Mass WorkoutFast Simplified Supersaturation Training for X-treme Muscle Size. It’s how many pro bodybuilders get big AND ripped as fast as possible for contests and photo shoots. You can use it for a blast of new mass in only a few weeks–and the workouts are quick. Guaranteed or your money back. Limited-time discount offer HERE.
X-SHOP: Find our original X-Rep e-book, as well as X Updates and Positions-of-Flexion mass-training guides…
X-WORKOUTS: Find specialized e-workout programs, including Power-Density, 10×10 and Eric Broser’s Power/Rep Range/Shock….
NEW: The X-traordinary SIZE SURGE Workout, Jonathan Lawson’s legendary two-phase mass program that packed 20 pounds of muscle on his frame in only 10 weeks. See all the changes he made to the original workouts, transcribed from his training journal. In printable templates so you can duplicate his incredible gains. You also get his eat-to-grow diet and streamlined no-frills supplement schedule, anabolic acceleration methods and loads of tips and tricks. Plus, an interview with a top-level bodybuilder who trains Size Surge style for incredible growth.
Newbies: If you’re a beginning bodybuilder, coming back from a layoff or a trainer who trains beginners, our new e-book, Quick-Start Muscle-Building Guide, is for you.
To follow the ITRC training program in “Train, Eat, Grow,” get a copy of the latest issue of IRON MAN.
This Special Report was submitted by Jonathan Lawson and Steve Holman.
The IRON MAN Training & Research Team
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