Now We’re Cooking
I loved the profile on Steve Cook. It’s interesting to know that Physique athletes can have long and profitable careers even when they don’t place well in shows, or when they don’t compete at all! Steve seems like a guy who has the talent to cross over and do well for himself.
—Drew C., via e-mail
Hide The Legs
Hide Yamagishi’s leg workout probably scared all
the Physique guys away from doing Classic Physique. Hide is a badass and his leg day is sick. Thanks for
the serious hardcore bodybuilding-style workout.
—Jimmy L., via e-mail
Editor’s note: Take a look at the legs on Craig
Capurso on page 70 of this issue. It doesn’t look like Craig is scared of leg workouts in the slightest, and
he’s a “Physique guy.”
Victory And Da Feet
Thanks for the great January issue of Iron Man. The article on “Crazy Abs” and photos were great! Please show more barefoot bodybuilders (male) working out barefoot. May I suggest leg curls, leg extensions, presses, and seated and standing calf raises. Thanks again!
—Anonymous, via mail
Editor’s note: Um … you’re welcome?
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