IRON MAN E-Zine: Issue #727:
Bodyfat Gone, Muscle Mass On: Best Gym Moves Now
Bodyfat Gone, Muscle Mass On: Best Gym Moves Now
Q: I got your updated 4X Mass Workout 2.0. I love the [higher-rep] TORQ method and 4X combo workouts. I feel it working already–the burn is intense. Question: I’m now trying to drop fat and build muscle, so will those [higher reps] help or should I include negative-accentuated [X-centric] sets too?
A: Bodybuilders of yesteryear often used higher reps before contests for fat burning, but experts later said that was foolish. Why? Because high reps cannot "etch in" cuts. Or can they?…
Think about it. Higher reps, such as 30-20-15 TORQ sequences, ignite a wicked muscle BURN. And recent studies show that the BURN changes the pH of the blood and triggers a significant GROWTH HORMONE surge. Interesting that GH is a potent fat burner as well as anabolic stimulator.
So it looks like the bodybuilders of yesteryear were right, to a degree, using higher reps to cut up. You get a fat-burning effect plus a new muscle-growth stimulus.
New muscle growth occurs because of the unique time under tension (TUT)…
Most bodybuilders train in the lower hypertrophic time-under-tension range. Remember, the optimal TUT for muscle-size stimulation is 40 to 90 seconds. Do your work sets last 40 seconds? Most bodybuilders rarely reach 30, much less 40…
And if you do reach 40 seconds, do you ever hit the HIGH-END range–60 to 90 seconds? Probably not. The TORQ method makes that happen, so you get a NEW get-bigger trigger as well as a body fat stripper. Exciting stuff…
You mentioned X-centric, or negative-accentuated, sets. That’s lifting in 1 second and lowering in 6 on every rep. That slow lowering can create more trauma in the myofibrillar strands in the muscle. The negative, or lowering, stroke is what causes the fissures in muscle that can lead to tissue remodeling (growth)…
Bonus: When your body repairs those microtears, it requires energy–and much of that comes from fat. How great is that?
So the fiber trauma increases your metabolism during the repair process, and you get leaner. Plus, your body repairs the myofibrils so they are bigger and stronger to resist more assaults.
Should you do X-centric sets in addition to TORQ? You can. For example, in one of the new programs in 4X Mass Workout 2.0 you use the TORQ high-rep sequences on the stretch-position exercises. So you could use X-centric (NA) on the last set of the big midrange move, like this…
MIdrange: Barbell curls (4X), 3 x 10, 1 x 7NA
Stretch: Incline curls (TORQ), 3 x 30, 20, 15
Contracted: Concentration curls, (4X), 3 x 12
Keep in mind that stretch-position exercises, like incline curls, can produce excess soreness because of the extreme muscle elongation–and with TORQ you’re getting 65 reps of traumatic stretch. Using NA, or X-centric, sets in addition to that may make you very sore. Be prepared for pain to gain muscle and lose more fat.
Till next time, train hard–and smart–for BIG results.
–Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
UPDATED 4X 2.0 ONLY $15…
The Updated 4X Mass Workout 2.0 is is $15 (regular price is $24). We’ve reloaded this best-selling muscle-building e-book with the new Tension Overload Repetition Quantity method. TORQ is quick high-rep 3X sequences that trigger ultimate mass. How? TORQ pushes the growth threshold into the high-end of hypertrophic tension time (60 to 90 seconds)–something most bodybuilders never get. Plus, you trigger a growth explosion with the new 9-week phase-training Itinerary that has you hitting a different 4X and TORQ workout every 2 weeks. For more on the newly updated 4X Mass Workout 2.0 (ONLY $15), Go HERE <==
LIMITED-TIME $14.99 to $19.99 BEST-SELLERS: We’re offering each of these at their lowest price ever to get you big and ripped by spring. Click on the title you’re interested in for more info…
1) The 4X Mass Workout–fast, simplified supersaturation training for X-treme size
2) The X-traordinary X-Rep Workout–the latest update to our original X e-book
3) The X-centric Mass Workout–the negative-accentuated training manual
4) The Ultimate Fat-to-Muscle Workout–total body transformation training
5) X-traordinary Muscle-Building Workouts–10 complete mass programs
6) X-traordinary Arms–includes the 3D HIT workout system with big-arms routines
7) 3D Muscle Building–the original Positions-of-Flexion mass-training manual
8) X-treme Lean—Fat-Burning and Nutrition Guide (with training too)
9) The Ultimate Power-Density Mass Workout
10) The Ultimate 10×10 Mass Workout
To follow the ITRC training program in “Train, Eat, Grow,” get a copy of the latest issue of IRON MAN.
This Special Report was submitted by Jonathan Lawson and Steve Holman.
The IRON MAN Training & Research Team
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