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Introducing New Motion Machines

Every now and then something comes along that revolutionizes a whole industry. In the world of iron we went from lifting barrels and anvils to kettlebells, dumbbells and barbells. Various pulley systems and angled benches were developed to work muscles from a variety of angles.

In the early 1970s Arthur Jones introduced Nautilus weight machines with a logarithmic-spiral cam. The Nautilus cam was a huge breakthrough because it provided more resistance and gave trainees leverage advantages when working through a full range of motion. Since the introduction of Nautilus pretty much everything that has come out has been a variation or improvement on Jones’ designs.

Hear me now, though, and listen to me later! as Hans and Franz of “Saturday Night Live” fame would say. There is something new, something better and something that will mark a quantum leap forward in weight machines.

Kurt Edeker, D.C., unveiled his line of New Motion Machines at the ’10 NPC Texas Shredder Classic. Dr. Kurt has designed and patented an ingenious dual-cam system founded on the fact that certain muscles and muscle groups cross and move two joints. He’s developed a mechanism that will actually move both involved joints through their full range of motion when you contract the target muscle.

For example, biceps cross the elbow and the shoulder. That’s why you have to do biceps curls in different positions to work the entire muscle properly—incline dumbbell curls for the stretch portion, standing or preacher curls to hit the midrange and overhead cable curls or concentration curls for a full contraction. Even so, with either free weights or cables you lose resistance during certain parts of the movement. Plus, even with existing machines there is only movement at the elbow—the shoulder is fixed.

Steve Holman, IRON MAN’s editor in chief, has been talking about that important principle, his three Positions of Flexion, for decades, but no one ever created a machine that could train a muscle through its full arc of flexion—until now.

On NMM you can, for the first time, go from true full extension to true full contraction—the three Positions of Flexion—with full resistance all in one move. When you contract the biceps, the patented mechanism guides your elbow and shoulder through their ranges of motion so the biceps moves from full extension to full contraction with full resistance through the entire movement. In other words, you start with your hands down at your thighs, and then, as you curl, your upper arms move up until they are by your head when you reach full contraction.

That creates unprecedented muscle-fiber recruitment, effectively supplying more work per repetition than any free weight or machine. The same principle applies to the triceps, quadriceps and hamstrings.

I’ve trained on the NMM biceps machine at the fabrication facility in Austin, Texas, and I can guarantee that it’s everything it’s cracked up to be. The feel of these machines is unique and will blow your mind. Just imagine condensing all the various angles of exercises you do for a muscle group into one exercise. To say that the effect is intense is an understatement.

In the next IRON MAN I’ll have an in-depth interview with NMM inventor Kurt Edeker. We’ll take a good look at what exactly is behind those mind-boggling machines and what NMM can do for your muscular development. Stay tuned!

Editor’s note: Find more information at IM

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