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Glutamine Can Get You Growing

ironmanmagazine.comYou may have heard about or even taken this amino acid, but do you have any idea of how important it is? L-glutamine is found in high levels throughout the body—primarily in skeletal muscle. It helps to increase muscle mass, assists in protein synthesis and is essential to proper function of the immune and digestive systems. In a study presented at the American College of Sports Medicine, researchers concluded, “Taking glutamine supplements in between training sessions may help speed recovery so you can start growing faster and get back into the weight room as fast as possible.” Here are a list of foods that are high in L-glutamine: Beef, cabbage, corn, cottage cheese, egg whites, poultry, raw spinach, soy, yogurt, pork and peanuts. Time to power up, and eat to grow!

—Ninette Terhart


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