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Get Ripped and Muscular

www.ironmanmagazine.comIRON MAN’s recent addition of Lee Labrada as a columnist means that he sometimes mentions the supplements he takes, often without explanation. Unfortunately, he just doesn’t have the space to go into what each one does and why he takes it. One of his staples  that has gotten rave reviews is his Lean Body MRP.

It’s a superior protein supplement that builds muscle and helps you get lean due to its Lean Pro blend, a proprietary mix of fast- and slow-released proteins that gives you a sustained flow of growth-promoting amino acids for hours after you use it. You get 35 grams of the anabolic/anticatabolic blend in each serving. Use it between solid-food meals to keep your drive alive.

Lean Body is not just protein, however. You also get 21 essential vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids, glutamine and only six grams of sugar. What’s more, it also contains something most protein supplements don’t: fiber—seven grams of it per serving to keep your digestive system revved and appetite under control.

Instantized Creatine- Gains In Bulk

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