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Wheat Can Make You Weak

You may have heard of celiac disease, which affects one in every 100 Americans. It’s a severe aversion to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Anyone who has celiac and eats anything with gluten in it, including bread, pasta or even soups, has to run to the restroom for another type of run.

You may have heard of celiac disease, which affects one in every 100 Americans. It’s a severe aversion to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Anyone who has celiac and eats anything with gluten in it, including bread, pasta or even soups, has to run to the restroom for another type of run.

Something less severe than celiac and more common is wheat intolerance. According to Jamison Starbuck, N.D., “Wheat intolerance people have no symptoms when they eat barley or rye, but ingesting wheat often leads to such complaints as indigestion, bloating, canker sores, constipation, headache, sinusitis, respiratory problems, insomnia, joint pain and fatigue.”

Celiac disease stresses the immune system and drains energy; wheat intolerance produces symptoms only when someone eats a lot of wheat-laden food. If you experience any of those symptoms after a meal, you may want to try eliminating wheat products from your diet. Many nutritionists believe that wheat is a big player in numerous symptoms of ill health.

—Becky Holman

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