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The Six-Pack Diet Plan

His recommended macronutrient distribution for “permanent” weight loss is 45 percent protein, 40 percent carbohydrates and 15 percent essential fats. He outlines how to design your diet to hit those marks, even when eating out, and then he discusses supplements—which is one of his favorite subjects.

You may know Rehan Jalali as a nutrition researcher who’s developed more than 100 cutting-edge products for the dietary supplement industry. Or you may recognize him as a personal trainer to many TV and movie stars. He’s also the founder of the Supplement Research Foundation ( and a good natural bodybuilder and author. His latest book, The Six-Pack Diet Plan, will get you lean, be you woman or man.

Jalali wrote the book to finally solve what he calls the fat-loss puzzle. He puts all of the pieces together in this 137-page guide, from nutrition to training to supplementation to perseverence. One basic current running through the book is that intensity is the key: “I mean intensity in everything—intense mind-set, intense training, intense dieting and intense supplementation.”

Don’t let Jalali’s intensity frighten you, however. His plan is based on solid science and is a lifestyle-changing regimen that’s not that difficult to implement if you’re truly committed to losing ugly fat and seeing your six-pack.

He begins by explaining the hormonal factors, including insulin, cortisol, growth hormone and thyroid hormone. Then it’s right into the Six-Pack Eating Plan.

His recommended macronutrient distribution for “permanent” weight loss is 45 percent protein, 40 percent carbohydrates and 15 percent essential fats. He outlines how to design your diet to hit those marks, even when eating out, and then he discusses supplements—which is one of his favorite subjects.

Jalali’s plan has convenience at its core, so you’ll learn how to use protein shakes and bars as well as branched-chain amino acids to keep your blood sugar stable and keep the fat melting away without cravings. He even devotes an entire chapter to fat-burning supplements, covering everything from caffeine to forskolin to cayenne pepper to 7-keto DHEA to guggulsterones—and lots more. It’s eye-opening info, to say the least.

The last part of the book is an efficient weight-training program plugged into a 10-day cycle. It has you training one or two bodyparts a day over the course of 10 days, then beginning again. He includes cardio at various times to complement the weights for maximum fat-burning effects.

For the truly hardcore, he also includes a comprehensive section on peaking your physique for a big event like a bodybuilding contest. That’s one of Jalali’s loves, and he’s been successful at it without pharmaceuticals, so you can be sure his peaking schedule works—no drugs required.

You’ll learn a lot from this book. It’s a guide to help you hone your eating into a fat-whacking plan that will have you sporting a six-pack instead of a keg. Time to let ’em rip!

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