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Bodybuilding Bedrock

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www.ironmanmagazine.comThe bedrock principle of Iron Man magazine from Vol. 1, No. 1, to the present has been to inspire and inform, thereby giving you the tools for personal transformation. Progressive-resistance exercise—that is, bodybuilding—is the universal (and only) tool for physical transformation.

The barbell and its antecedents are the magic wands of change. Anaerobic work is the best way to build muscle, and we are now finding that it’s also the best way to burn fat. The astounding thing is that the transformative power of bodybuilding knows no age or gender limits. Whatever your physical goal—losing fat or gaining muscle—whether you’re young or old or anywhere in-between, you can profoundly transform your body through bodybuilding.

Bodybuilding is the creator of muscle and strength and the engine of fat loss. Sure, nutrition and supplementation are important, but the weight workout is the essential act that sets the stage for a cascade of events that lead to change.

Read the rest of the entry at John’s Blog

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