'Roids 101: An Anabolic Steroid Primer Although they're most commonly associated with strength, power and bodybuilding competitions, disclosures during recent years make it clear that steroids have infiltrated nearly every sport.
Roids: Power Drugs or Potent Poisons Due to their potential for causing health problems, steroids are classified as controlled substances and are banned by many sporting organizations.
Anabolic Drive: Bone Up On 'Roids Leucine may be the key amino acid that drives muscle protein synthesis.
Bodybuilding Pharmacology: 'Roid Raves How long do muscle gains last after you get off a steroid regimen?
Bodybuilding Pharmacology: Invisible Steroids Invisible steroids and the other fat burner.
Bodybuilding Pharmacology: Roid Muscle Architecture One aspect of steroids not previously examined is how they affect the internal structure of muscles; that is, the way muscle fibers contract.
Confessions of a Steroid User Pt. 2 The Big Five Mass-building Principles: Learning From Retrospect
Steroids, Growth and Recovery Steroids enable the body to recuperate much faster through improved protein assimilation and a higher testosterone output. A natural bodybuilder would quickly overtrain if he attempted to follow the same routine as a professional bodybuilder.
Sticking With Steroids: The Highs, Lows and Woes of Injecting Anabolics When I investigated the injection issue further, it turned out that all those needle sticks inflict injection-related problems.
Unchained: Safe Steroid Stack? The "safe" steroids for women are those that are low in androgens.
What Are You On? (10 Things You Can Do to Get 'Roid-like Results Without Using) Hormonal synergy is the reason there are so many 250-plus pound behemoths stalking the stages of pro shows.
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