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Character and Charisma: Bob Kennedy

Late in 1975, I sent Bob Kennedy, unsolicited, a few photos of Arnold that I had shot just before he went to South Africa for the ’75 Mr. Olympia. I had never met Bob in person, but of course I knew of him through his magazine, the Canadian-based MuscleMag International, which he’d launched in 1974.

As a freelance photographer I mostly submitted photos to Iron Man; however, Bob not only bought the photos but also called me to ask about the details of the shoot. He was very interested in how I’d taken the pictures, as he had never seen 35-millimeter film create prints like the one I’d sent him. I had been experimenting with special black-and-white film that created the texture of medium-format photography. Bob was intrigued, and that is how our friendship started.

Read the rest of the entry at John’s Blog


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