Rose DiNuccio can probably do anything better than you and here’s the proof!
The face of a warrior rarely gets a second glance, but when it comes to Rose DiNuccio, we can’t help but look a lot closer. It’s not just her looks though (which this feature will showcase), it is also what we see when we look past the appearance and witness how this woman literally transformed herself from an addict to one of America’s greatest athletes on NBC’s American Ninja Warrior and someone so athletic that they won their spot in this very magazine! But, again, we have to look even closer, and really delve into who this woman is and how she has made her life a shrine to hard work, positivity and inspiration. For this warrior, the battle isn’t on a front line. In fact, it’s a daily conquest of bettering herself, her body and her life to be her best every single day. Are you warrior enough to follow her example? Find out here!
IRON MAN: What were you like growing up? Was fitness a part of your life?
ROSE DINUCCIO: Growing up as a kid, fitness was a part of my life. I was involved in gymnastics from the age of 3 to 12 and always loved being active. It wasn’t until my teenage years until I stopped really being active all the time.
IM: You underwent a pretty impressive transformation to be the fit person you are now after some rough years in your teens. Walk us through that journey.
RD: My fitness journey really began when I was 21 years old. I had put on over 45 pounds at the age of 20. I had never been over 110 pounds in my life, but I had started hanging around with the wrong crowd of people when I was 17 causing me to lead a very unhealthy lifestyle for three years. I was addicted to opiates and smoked cigarettes. It wasn’t until I really hit bottom that I decided I needed help. I moved to Florida and … that’s when I put on all the weight. I was finally eating food again, and not just once a day anymore. My body didn’t really know how to handle that. In just four months, I put on 45 pounds, went from a size 0 to an 8 in pants. Fast forward a year into my sobriety I was weighing about 138 pounds living back in Massachusetts. I met my current boyfriend when I came back to Massachusetts. After we were together for about six months, we started working out because we were sick of just going out to dinner every night and wanted something different in our lives. I didn’t know then that fitness would become such a huge part of my life.
IM: Sharing your story must be difficult, but also very empowering. How has overcoming addiction changed your approach to life?
RD: I’m currently over five years free of opiates and couldn’t be happier with how my life has turned out. I love more than anything being able to share my story with others, allowing them to not give up hope that their goals are achievable, as long as you put in 110 percent every day and never give up on your dreams. I also love to give hope to others that might be going through a similar situation that they can beat it, too. It’s all just in how bad you truly want it. You are your only limitation! Everyone has some type of an addiction, whether it be good or bad. I look at it as replacing one addiction with another, but now my addiction is a healthy one!
IM: Why do you think you get such a positive response in social media?
RD: I think I get such a positive response on social media because I’m always trying to promote positivity, well being and creativity. I love when I am able to share my story with others, to let them know that they can do anything they set their minds to.
IM: Looking at your social media, it’s clear you also love handstands. What do you love so much about them?
RD: I love the challenge they bring. I’m always trying to push the limit with them, trying to get better and learn harder things with them.
IM: What are your fitness goals?
RD: Some of the fitness goals I have are being on the cover of Iron Man magazine, expanding my personal training to take online clientele and compete in a fitness competition.
IM: You won a competition sponsored by Kompetes to get this shoot and feature interview. Please tell us why you competed.
RD: I competed to win the competition because I have always been a huge fan of Iron Man, and I wanted to test my skills to see if I had what it took to win an online freestyle calisthenics competition. The process involved me submitting my video online to the competition page. After that there was a period open to allow people to vote for you. When the winner was selected, Kompetes emailed me letting me know I had been chosen as the winner! After that I was in contact with them and they booked my flight and hotel out to California for the photo shoot with Iron Man! When we did the photo shoot it was such an incredible experience. I had a makeup artist who also did my hair. She was with me all day! I had a videographer and photographer who were so awesome, too! It was such a great experience.
IM: What was it like working with Kompetes in this contest? What else was involved?
RD: They were the ones who set everything up for me.… It was such a pleasure working with them. They were also the ones who paid me the cash prize as well. Initially I thought the entire thing was too good to be true!
IM: You competed on NBC’s American Ninja Warrior. Tell us about the experience.
RD: I competed on season 8 of American Ninja Warrior in the Philadelphia qualifying rounds. Philly qualifiers for season 8 was the only qualifying round that no competitors were able to complete the course. I was selected to be on the show and, two weeks later, I was in Philly getting ready to run the course. It was such a wonderful bucket list experience.
IM: Is your training different with American Ninja Warrior?
RD: It is a little bit in the sense that I am incorporating a lot more of grip training, balance and hanging exercises. You don’t know what obstacles will be on the course so you need to make sure you’re trying to cover all the bases. I was hitting a lot more double gym sessions as well. I still maintained hitting my cardio, but my workouts were a lot more calisthenics based than lifting weights at that time.
IM: What are some interesting things that your fans might not know about you?
RD: I’m a sucker for cats and dogs. I like to go to bed early during the week and even on the weekend sometimes, too. I’m an early riser. During the week, I’m up around 4:30am and the weekends I get up at about 5:30am!
IM: What’s your favorite body part on yourself?
RD: My favorite body part on myself is my back.
IM: What’s your nutrition like?
RD: I eat three meals daily and a couple snacks. I try to stay within healthy means for a person with a busy personal training schedule morning to night. Staying in that range means meal prep. I bring my six pack lunch pack to work and pack chicken and rice for two meals and have nuts or fruit as a snack.
IM: Do you have any words of wisdom that have served you well over the years that you feel can help our readers in their fitness journey?
RD: Life is like a roller coaster. If it was smooth sailing, it would be boring. Get up and show up every day. Any workout is better than none. Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction. Not every day is going to be your best or strongest, just keep pushing forward.
IM: Is there anyone you look to for inspiration?
RD: One of my biggest inspirations is my father. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without his incredible guidance and foundation for our family, always teaching me the best morals and values and instilling a great work ethic.
AGE: 25
LIKES: Working out, handstands, the beach, summer, snowboarding, hiking, spending time with my family
DISLIKES: Being cold, snowstorms in New England, spiders
LISTENS TO: Hip hop, country, dance, pop, pretty much anything!
LATEST BOOK: Mastery by Robert Greene
SCREENTIME: Reality TV (guilty pleasure)
FAVORITE QUOTE: “You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.”
SPONSORS: Barstarzz, Vicore Fitness.
INSTAGRAM: @rosedinuccio
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/rose.dinuccio
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