Total Resistance Exercise, commonly known as TRX, was developed by a Navy Seal and is now used by all branches of the military. This type of suspension training uses both bodyweight and gravity for resistance. It’s great for all levels of fitness from the beginner to the highly skilled athlete. Exercise intensity can be adjusted by where you stand and the angle of your body. Most gyms have TRX or a similar knock off. You can own a home rig for around $200. They are portable and can be set up just about anywhere.
The world has been going through a pandemic which involves gym closings, ‘stay at home’ orders, and workout gear hard to come by or expensive. In these cases one has to get creative. Here is a way to get a full-body TRX type workout using a swing set.
The Swing Set Workout: There are several ways you can make this highly effective. Do 12-15 reps for 3-4 sets of each movement. Keep rest minimal at 45-60 secs. Or you can do a full-body circuit by hitting each exercise back-to-back without rest for 12-15 reps each. Rest 2 minutes between rounds and do 3-4 rounds total.
Biceps: Curls (Notes: Stand facing the swing. Reach under and grab the back of the swing underneath with both palms facing upward. Start with both arms fully extended. While keeping the upper arms near parallel to the ground and the elbows isolated curl by bringing the swing up towards your face. Flex the Biceps at the top and take a slow, controlled negative. Walking in towards the swing will increase the resistance.)
Triceps: Extensions (Notes: Stand facing away from the swing. Grab the swing on both sides with your palms facing inward towards each other, or place the palms flat on the seat. While keeping your upper arms near parallel to the floor lower your head down between your forearms and the edge of the seat. Then extend your arms straight using your Triceps. Walking back towards the swing will increase the resistance.)
Shoulders: Front Raises (Notes: Stand facing the swing. Grab the front of the swing with both hands and palms facing down. While keeping your body and arms straight raise your arms up high over your head. Walking in towards the swing will increase the resistance.)
Legs: Single Leg Squat (Notes: Stand facing away from the swing. Place one foot up in the swing with the top of your foot facing down. Perform a squat by lowering your hip and keep your chest up. Make sure your knee stays behind the toes. Flex the quadricep and glute at the top of each rep. Match reps on the opposite side.)
Assisted Pistol Squats (Notes: Stand facing the swing. Grab the swing from underneath and hold on to the back. Lift one leg slightly off the ground. Using the swing for support and balance do a one-legged squat by lowering your hip and keeping your chest up. Make sure your knee stays behind the toes. Flex the Quadricep and Glute at the top of each rep. Match reps on the opposite side.)
Back: Rows (Notes: Standing facing the swing. This is best done by grabbing two separate swings by the inward chain. It can be done grabbing a single swing by both chains as well. Lay back with your body straight with only your heels on the ground. In the starting position your arms should be straight and your chest lifted. Pull yourself up using your lats keeping your chest high. Lower your body with control. Walking in towards the swing will increase the resistance.)
Core: Tucks (Notes: Get into a push-up position with your feet up in the swing. Bring your knees in towards your head and then extend them back straight. Do the movement slow with control and keep your core tight.)
Chest/Shoulders/Core: Pike Push-Ups (Notes: Get into push-up position with your feet up in the swing. Perform a standard push up, then bring your feet in towards your head while keeping your legs fairly straight. You are bending at the waist and lifting your hip up high.)
Watch the video below to see how each of these movements is done. If using a home swing set make sure it’s sturdy and not going to tip over on you. As always be careful and modify when necessary.
Michael Wittig, ISSA CPT
Natural Pro 3x Champ
Master World Champion
All socials: @WittigWorks
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