All posts tagged "arms"
What is the best curling machine for developing the biceps?
Q: What is the best curling machine for developing the biceps? A: If you had asked Nautilus inventor Author Jones that...
ArmsCharles PoliquinMarch 4, 2016 -
Uni-angular Tri-sets for Bigger Arms
Q: I’d like to try a training cycle to bring up my arms, which are lagging behind my other bodyparts. I’ve...
ArmsCharles PoliquinFebruary 23, 2016 -
Put Two Inches On Your Arms in 12 Weeks—Triceps
Training the arms can be broken primarily into triceps training and biceps training. We’ll start with the triceps because they are...
ArmsLee LabradaFebruary 18, 2016 -
How To Gain Muscle on Scrawny Arms
Everybody wants to have a pair of big, chiselled arms but building arms takes a little more hard work than just...
Blog Postcurtis.fisherAugust 16, 2014 -
Key Principles to Building Arms With Authority
Although I’ve been writing training articles for several years, I’ve avoided doing an article on arm training. Because guys in the...
Blog Postiron manMay 10, 2012 -
Like Positions of Flexion Training? Try Barbell Incline Curls for MAXIMUM Stretch
The stretch position of an exercise is one of the most productive positions you can put that target muscle in. It...
Blog PostNick NilssonMay 10, 2012 -
Back-to-Basics Workout
I’m looking for a workout that uses compound exercises. I keep hearing about the basics, but no one ever says what...
Blog Postiron manMay 5, 2012 -
“Outrigger” Close Grip Bench Press for Killing Your Triceps…
This exercise presents a unique challenge to the triceps…it’s a two-arm-looking one-arm movement. Yeah, I know that just sounds nuts....
Blog PostNick NilssonMay 4, 2012 -
Supersets for Super Human Size & Strength
Supersetting is one of the most powerful muscle-building techniques you can use—and that’s not conjecture but scientific fact. Just as the...
Blog Postiron manApril 28, 2012 -
Wednesday lats
Close grip chins 11, 6, 6 Wide grip pulldowns (30 sec rests) 120x10x10x8x8 Seated cable row (30 sec rests) 140x10x8x8x7 I...
Blog PostDave GoodinFebruary 29, 2012 -
Thursday arms
Today I’m knee deep in NPC Texas Shredder Classic work. I kept trying to peel myself away from the computer and...
Blog PostDave GoodinFebruary 9, 2012 -
Tues chest workout with Jon Benson
Monday afternoon I received a text message from my friend, Jon Benson, to let me know that he was going to...
Blog PostDave GoodinFebruary 8, 2012 -
Tuesday workout
Today was chest day, with a little medial delts, biceps and abs thrown in. And, I don’t care how many people...
Blog PostDave GoodinJanuary 31, 2012 -
Getting started back up!
Well, it’s not exactly the beginning of the year, but it is the beginning of my quest to get back into...
Blog PostDave GoodinJanuary 24, 2012 -
LA Fit Expo
It’s been a crazy busy couple of weeks, but thanks to a rare snow day things slowed down a little bit...
Blog PostDave GoodinFebruary 5, 2011