The latest version of Gary Udit’s North American Championships in Cleveland, Ohio certainly had an IRON MAN flavor to it. First off, columnist Dave Goodin earned his pro card by taking Middleweight and Overall honors in the 50 and over division. And, IM correspondent Dave Liberman, doing double duty as he repped the Labrada Nutrition booth, was the fella who raised the Texas Shredder’s hand on both occasions. Not to mention the guy who snapped the picture you’re looking at right now.
Maryland’s Shawn Rhoden, who I remember well from the Team Universe nearly a decade back, took both the Heavyweight and Overall crowns in the Open category; I really like Rhoden’s physique (I would guess Shawn’s around 5’9”, 225 pounds, with a small waist and great balance) and think he can be a good pro. Mark Antonek, a 44-year-old from Tampa, Florida, captured the 40 and over crown to join Goodin and Rhoden at the next level.
Abbas Khatami, featured on this site all week in our main video, won the Super Heavyweight class for the second time at the event, but the 34-year-old from Irvine, California was unable to topple Rhoden for the Overall. Thus, once more, he will have to give it a go again at a National show with hopes of finally earning pro status.
Congrats to Udit on another great event, with 330 competitors, and to all the Overall and class winners. On that subject, by the way, should I start my politicking now to the Prez (AKA Jim Manion)? You know, for adding one more pro card to the Open Men’s class? With the likes of Khatami, the former California State Champion—and fourth-place finisher at the 2007 Nationals–again leaving the arena sans pro card, the show has certainly earned it.
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