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Eat To Grow: Caribbean Cuts

Diet of a champion.

Heather Foster, who’s originally from Jamaica, appeared in IRONMAN’s January ’01 Hardcore Training, and her physique sparked a number of reader comments. Most wanted to know her diet, as her definition is almost blinding. Here is the 161-pound ’00 National Overall champ’s diet, as she described it for our Hardcore photographer, Jerry Fredrick:

6 a.m.
6 egg whites, 1 yolk
1 cup oatmeal with distilled water

9 a.m.
Protein shake in distilled water

12 p.m.
8-12 ounces chicken breast*
1 cup rice or pasta
or 1 medium potato
Herbal tea or distilled water

3 p.m.
Protein shake in distilled water

6 p.m.
10-12 ounces lean steak
Salad or 1 medium potato
Herbal tea or distilled water

9 p.m.
Protein shake in distilled water

* Can substitute fish, tuna or turkey

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