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  • Shocking Shoulders

    Q: My shoulder growth has come to a standstill. Got a great routine that’ll boost growth again? A: A few years...

    Charles PoliquinApril 12, 2009
  • Midlife Muscle

    Full-range pushups can be a good substitute for bench presses. They’re more ergonomically correct and can help those with low neuromuscular...

    Steve HolmanFebruary 15, 2009
  • Deflated-Delt Dilemma

    Q: My delts are about as flat as pancakes. Any rapid solution to the problem? A: Wide, round shoulders have been...

    Charles PoliquinNovember 9, 2008
  • Curls Gone Wild

    Everyone wants a great set of guns. It's one of the main reasons guys start lifting weights in the first place....

    Greg ZulakApril 13, 2008
  • Bench Press Power Tools

    Face it, you want your bench press to go huge. You know, red zone’like four big wheels on each side of...

    Iron Man MagazineSeptember 29, 2005
  • Joe Wider Pt 2

    Most bodybuilders who own well-developed deltoids almost always use lighter weights and execute each movement with precision through a full range...

    Eric BroserJune 19, 2004
  • Forging Freaky Forearms

    Every time you train, you stress your nervous system as well as the muscles. I think you would gain more size...

    John HansenMay 1, 2004
  • Bicep Peaks for Big Arms

    Everybody loves to build big biceps, and everybody loves to do curls. Ironically, many bodybuilders don't know how to curl correctly.

    Greg ZulakApril 29, 2004