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Body of the Month

Amy Fadhli superfeature and pictorial!

Amy Fadhli
Height: 5’5′
Weight: 126
Marital status: Engaged to the guy on the cover [Tito Raymond]

Hometown: Port Arthur, Texas
City you now live in: Los Angeles, California
Occupation: Actor/fitness model

Hobbies/other interests: Cycling, hiking, traveling, triathlons, movies, reading, studying acting (you’re never good enough), and keeping Miki, our 10-month-old Himalayan kitten, entertained

Favorite food: Anything chocolate!

Sample bodypart program: Hamstrings and glutes.

Tri-set 1
Stepups (onto a bench at knee level) 3 x 20
Pli’ squats 3 x 20
Dumbbell stiff-legged deadlifts 3 x 20

Tri-set 2
Plyometric alternating lateral jumps
over an above-knee-level bench 3 x 20
Leg curls 3 x 20-25
Dumbbell alternating reverse lunges 3 x 20

Tri-set 3
Butt Blaster 3 x 20
Seated leg curls 3 x 20
Hip abductor machine 3 x 20

Editor's note: For the complete superfeature on Amy, pick up the July 2002 issue on-newsstands June 4.

Instantized Creatine- Gains In Bulk

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Body of the Month

Profile: Nicole Rollolazo

Nicole Rollolazo
Height: 4’11’
Age: 26
Weight: 95 pounds

2000 Fitness America Champion
1999 Emerald Cup Fitness Overall Champion

Training Days per Week: 5-6
Bodypart split:
Monday: Back and abs
Tuesday: Biceps and abs
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Chest and triceps
Friday: Legs and abs
Saturday: Delts and abs
Sunday: Rest
Cardio four times per week

Meal 1. Oatmeal with sugarfree syrup; protein shake with banana
Meal 2. Egg whites with turkey sausage, tomatoes and cilantro
Meal 3. Protein shake
Meal 4. Chicken with steamed rice and green beans
Meal 5. Green salad with extra-lean ground turkey and balsamic vinegar

I do all my fitness preparation on my own’I train myself and am my own nutritionist. I even helped design my costume. I1m most proud of choreographing all of my routines.

Instantized Creatine- Gains In Bulk

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