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Vitamin G

A new study shows that vitamin C could be called vitamin G, for “Get off your ass.” Published in the journal Nutrients, the research shows that men with slight deficiencies in vitamin C had very little motivation to work out.

When subjects were given an extra 100 milligrams a day of vitamin C, exercise participation increased. One theory is that the extra vitamin C kept them from getting colds, which typically scuttled their workouts. The scientists also point to previous research showing that vitamin C supplementation reduces perception of effort during exercise, which helps inspire physical activity. The antioxidant activity of vitamin C may also play a role, as oxidative stress is related to fatigue.

Despite the findings, 100 milligrams is still a very modest dose, especially if you’re very active. If you train intensely, try to get between 500 milligrams and 3,000 milligrams a day

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