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Body of the Month

Amy Fadhli superfeature and pictorial!

Amy Fadhli
Height: 5’5′
Weight: 126
Marital status: Engaged to the guy on the cover [Tito Raymond]

Hometown: Port Arthur, Texas
City you now live in: Los Angeles, California
Occupation: Actor/fitness model

Hobbies/other interests: Cycling, hiking, traveling, triathlons, movies, reading, studying acting (you’re never good enough), and keeping Miki, our 10-month-old Himalayan kitten, entertained

Favorite food: Anything chocolate!

Sample bodypart program: Hamstrings and glutes.

Tri-set 1
Stepups (onto a bench at knee level) 3 x 20
Pli’ squats 3 x 20
Dumbbell stiff-legged deadlifts 3 x 20

Tri-set 2
Plyometric alternating lateral jumps
over an above-knee-level bench 3 x 20
Leg curls 3 x 20-25
Dumbbell alternating reverse lunges 3 x 20

Tri-set 3
Butt Blaster 3 x 20
Seated leg curls 3 x 20
Hip abductor machine 3 x 20

Editor's note: For the complete superfeature on Amy, pick up the July 2002 issue on-newsstands June 4.

Instantized Creatine- Gains In Bulk

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