All posts tagged "Vitamins & Minerals"
Creatine: once more falsely accused
It amazes me how often creatine is blamed for various athletic problems. These problems range from dehydration to severe muscle cramps....
Blog PostJerry BrainumAugust 25, 2010 -
The mouthwash of champions
It’s no secret that ingesting carbohydrates improves exercise performance, particularly that related to exercise intensity levels and endurance. If you’ve ever...
Blog PostJerry BrainumJune 3, 2010 -
An easy way to boost antioxidant nutrient absorption
Aloe Vera is a plant that grows in Africa, the Canary islands, and a few other places. For years, various medicinal...
Blog PostJerry BrainumMay 13, 2010 -
Getting more bang from your vitamin D buck
Vitamin D has emerged in recent years as a “star” nutrient” based on numerous scientific discoveries about its role in human...
Blog PostJerry BrainumMay 12, 2010 -
Another carotenoid found naturally in foods such as watermelon and cooked tomatoes. Lycopene is similar to astaxanthin in some respects, such...
Blog PostJerry BrainumJune 7, 2008 -
A carotenoid nutrient that provides the reddish coloring of salmon and some other foods, astaxanthin is in the same class as...
Blog PostJerry BrainumJune 7, 2008 -
I’m a firm believer in mineral intake. Since my vitamin-mineral formula is rich in vitamins but comparatively weak in minerals, I...
Blog PostJerry BrainumJune 7, 2008 -
It’s my major source of B-complex vitamins and a few other required nutrients. I take a one-a-day high-potency formula in the...
Blog PostJerry BrainumJune 7, 2008 -
What I Use and Why
I divide my supplementation program into preventive, performance and brain nutrients. The preventive supplements, as the name implies, supply nutrients that...
Blog PostJerry BrainumJune 7, 2008 -
The Distant Past
When I first began bodybuilding more than 40 years ago, supplement choices were limited. Popular supplements in those days included brewer’s...
Blog PostJerry BrainumJune 3, 2008