All posts tagged "biceps"
Push vs. Pull Days: A Complete Guide to Balanced Training
When it comes to structuring your workout routine, the terms “push” and “pull” days frequently pop up among gym enthusiasts and...
adviceIronManNovember 28, 2024 -
Bigger Arms Means Bigger Workouts, The Correct Technique for Improving Your Arms
Growing bigger arms may be a motivator to work out constantly. To achieve the boiling point of perfection, you need to...
ArmsIronManDecember 8, 2021 -
Concentration Curls, How to Build Up Your Biceps
If you are in the world of fitness, you understand the importance of having impeccable upper arms. Many of us desire...
ArmsIronManDecember 7, 2021 -
Back and Biceps Day: A Complete Guide For Bodybuilders
Having a strong, broad back and ripped, large biceps is a goal for most people that enter the gym. Since many...
ArmsIronManDecember 2, 2021 -
The Complete Push Day Workout for Bodybuilders
If you go to the gym often or have bodybuilder friends, you might have come across terms like “Push day” and...
ArmsIronManOctober 4, 2021 -
The Complete Pull Day Workout for Bodybuilders
Most times when people start a training program, they see results after about 2 months of training. However, these initial results,...
ArmsIronManSeptember 30, 2021 -
Getting Bigger Arms
Q: I’d like to try a training cycle to bring up my arms, which are lagging behind my other bodyparts. I’ve...
ArmsCindy MamMay 17, 2018 -
Single or mingle?
Physique athletes have always been proponents of isolation exercises. Then CrossFit came along and added three more joints to every exercise....
AdviceIron Man MagazineJune 9, 2016 -
How Do Pros Train to Get Awesome Biceps?
Q: What do the pros do to give themselves their awesome biceps shapes? A: Biceps shape is genetically determined. If you...
ArmsStuart McRobertMarch 23, 2016 -
Uni-angular Tri-sets for Bigger Arms
Q: I’d like to try a training cycle to bring up my arms, which are lagging behind my other bodyparts. I’ve...
ArmsCharles PoliquinFebruary 23, 2016 -
Get Bigger Arms In 6 Weeks With This Program
With summer fast approaching, people are in a frenzy to put the final touches on their physique so they can be...
ArmsIron Man MagazineSeptember 28, 2015 -
Dump That Curl And Get Bigger Arms
If you pray for bigger biceps, skip the preacher curls. Sounds ironic, but that’s the advice from sports scientists at the...
LatestIron Man MagazineAugust 28, 2015 -
A Simple Movement to Lock in Your Lats for Pulldowns
The Pulldown is an excellent exercise for working the Latissimus Dorsi muscles of the back (also known as the lats). It...
Blog PostNick NilssonDecember 15, 2012 -
Like Positions of Flexion Training? Try Barbell Incline Curls for MAXIMUM Stretch
The stretch position of an exercise is one of the most productive positions you can put that target muscle in. It...
Blog PostNick NilssonMay 10, 2012 -
A Simple and INSTANT Trick For Building Bigger, Better Biceps Using Barbell Curls
The “normal” barbell curl is obviously one of the most used exercises you’ll ever see in the gym. It’s the exercise...
Blog PostNick NilssonMarch 28, 2012