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  • The Renegade Row

    Fads affect most fields, and exercise is certainly no exception. Late-night television is filled with ads for new training gimmicks and...

    Joseph M. Horrigan, D.C.April 4, 2013
  • Is there a way to increase tendon strength to help avoid injury?

    Q: Is there a way to increase tendon strength to help avoid injury? A: Extensive research shows that eccentric, or negative,...

    Charles PoliquinMarch 14, 2013
  • Bigger Gaining and Overtraining

    Q: I’m a 24-year-old business student from Austria and a huge bodybuilding fan! It is a real pleasure to get in...

    John HansenJanuary 13, 2013
  • Age, Muscle and Optimal Recovery

    Q: I can’t believe you’re 53 years old. Your physique is astounding for any age! I’m in my mid-50s, and I’m...

    Dave GoodinJanuary 11, 2013
  • Ab Exercises: the Good, the Bad and the Dangerous

    Just because you can perform an exercise doesn’t mean you should. There are many abdominal exercises, and most trainees perform almost...

    Joseph M. Horrigan, D.C.January 3, 2013
  • Q&A: Bent-Over Rows Is A High Risk Exercise

    Q: Is there really anything special about bent-over barbell rows? I’ve injured my back several times doing them. A: All exercises...

    Stuart McRobertJanuary 1, 2013
  • When to Lock Out Your Exercises

    Q: I’m curious to know if you lock out your reps on exercises like presses, extensions and pushdowns or keep continuous...

    Eric BroserDecember 3, 2012
  • Should You Attack Your Lower Back?

    I often hear patients and trainees proudly describe how they have designed a training program that avoids any training of their...

    Joseph M. Horrigan, D.C.October 29, 2012
  • Q: Do heavy squats and deadlifts compress and damage the spine?

    Q: Do heavy squats and deadlifts compress and damage the spine? A: There is spinal compression, but provided your exercise technique...

    Stuart McRobertOctober 19, 2012
  • A Different Look at Dumbbell Rows

    I have addressed dumbbell rows in previous columns over the years. This time I would like to examine a variety that...

    Joseph M. Horrigan, D.C.October 16, 2012
  • Incline Pressing and Shoulder Stressing

    This month I address another popular chest exercise, the incline press. As you know, the incline press is typically performed with...

    Joseph M. Horrigan, D.C.July 9, 2012
  • How to Squat for Best Gains

    Q: What measures should I take in order to squat effectively? A: To make good progress on the squat, you must...

    Stuart McRobertJuly 4, 2012
  • To Squat or Not?

    Most bodybuilders “throw out” their backs every so often—and it usually gets more frequent as they move into their 40s and...

    Steve HolmanJune 21, 2012
  • Post-Injury Bodybuilding

    As I mentioned last month, I suffered a lower-back injury in 2005 that almost ended my bodybuilding career. It forever changed...

    Eric BroserJune 19, 2012
  • Low-Back Aches From Training

    By “low-back aches” I’m not referring to an acute injury with severe back pain or low-back pain coupled with pain traveling...

    Joseph M. Horrigan, D.C.June 15, 2012