All posts tagged "training techniques"
Exponential Drop Sets – Hit EVERY Single Muscle Fiber Type in One Shot
The Drop Set is a classic intensity technique used by those looking to build serious muscle mass. At it’s simplest, you’re...
Blog PostNick NilssonSeptember 7, 2012 -
When Can You Have TOO Much Training Variety?
Oddly enough, even though I have a TON of unique exercises, I have training sessions where I do nothing but basic...
Blog PostNick NilssonAugust 17, 2012 -
7 Mental Tricks To AMP UP Your Exercises and Squeeze More Out of Every Rep You Do
Stuck in a rut? Hit a plateau? It’s time to stop phoning in your workout and put some BRAINPOWER into action....
Blog PostNick NilssonJuly 5, 2012 -
The BEST Way to do Incline Barbell Bench Press to Target The Upper Pecs and Build a Chest Like Arnold
Training the upper chest is extremely important for overall balance in the upper body, and it’s one of the most neglected...
Blog PostNick NilssonMay 19, 2012 -
A Deadly Intensity Technique to TRASH Your Chest…Range of Motion Triple Add Sets
Intensity techniques for chest training are often VERY overused (i.e. forced reps) and often VERY ineffective (i.e. forced reps). Sure, you...
Blog PostNick NilssonApril 12, 2012 -
How I Increased My Bench Press From 295 lbs to 350 lbs in 6 Weeks
If you want a bigger bench, this is a post you’ll want to read… First off, I’ll be honest with you…the...
Blog PostNick NilssonMarch 15, 2012 -
A Stability “Drop” Set For Your Chest…Push Your Pecs HARD With This Killer Superset
If you’re interested in improving your chest, building it bigger and better, there are two main pec-building exercises you can use…barbell...
Blog PostNick NilssonFebruary 22, 2012 -
Shifting Grip Bench Press For Inner Pec Training and Better Chest Cleavage
If you want a better-looking chest (male or female), the inner chest is a key area you’re going to want to...
Blog PostNick NilssonJanuary 12, 2012