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IRON MAN is the MAGAZINE knowledgeable consumers choose. Unbiased, thorough reporting coupled with unparalleled physique photography, every issue of IRON MAN is a colllector’s edition.
IRON MAN was founded in 1936 and is, in fact, the oldest magazine in the marketplace. More than seventy years later we are still going strong. When you advertise in IRON MAN MAGAZINE, you take advantage of our high standards of integrity. Our belief in commitment to quality and superior service have increased our competitive position in all areas of the bodybuilding world.
The IRON MAN reader is serious about training and interested in the latest ideas about exercise, diet, supplements and motivation. They turn to IRON MAN because it is an open forum on bodybuilding that promotes this discipline’s power to develop the mind and body into an integrated whole. IRON MAN is edited for men and women who are looking for timely, complete, unbiased coverage on bodybuilding, weight-training, nutrition, sports medicine and motivational aids that will help them get on track, stay fit and achieve maximal progress. Besides the best editorial content, IRON MAN’s innovative and powerful photography sets the standard worldwide.
Editorially, we give our readers what they want:
• Cutting-edge Exercise Analysis and Research
• Comprehensive Nutrition Update and Information
• Detailed Training Programs
• Probing Interviews with Sport’s Personalities
• Interactive Forum
• Sports Medicine
• Celebrity news and much more!
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Publisher & Editor: John Balik
Design Director: Michael Neveux
Editor-in-Chief: Stephen Holman
Advertising & Art: Fernando Carmona