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Larry Scott

  • Building a Great Back

    Actually, that's true, but we're so accustomed to bending our arms while rotating the scapulae that it takes a lot of...

    BackLarry ScottMarch 11, 2008
  • The Secret of Mega Motivation

    How can one describe a sensation like a pump or the pleasure that comes from it? Perhaps it?s more important to...

    Larry ScottOctober 1, 2005
  • The Pain Zone

    And how to use it for the fastest possible growth

    Larry ScottJuly 1, 2005
  • Why It?s So Simple

    To get in terrific condition and stay that way (and why you never read about it)

    Larry ScottMay 1, 2005
  • Success Secrets

    The Training Secret That?s Better Than Steroids

    Larry ScottApril 1, 2005
  • Training Tips, Tricks and Tweaks, Part 2

    Get more growth from every workout

    Larry ScottMarch 1, 2005
  • Success Secrets

    You can enjoy the same freedom from joint pain if you learn to use rather than abuse your machine.

    Injury & PreventionLarry ScottJanuary 16, 2005
  • Success Secrets

    Dumping an Old Flame (the One in Your Joints)

    Over-40 TrainingLarry ScottJanuary 1, 2005
  • That Amazing Exercise

    That gets rid of a potbelly and low-back pain

    Larry ScottNovember 1, 2004
  • Turn Your Calves Into Brahma Bulls

    Any time you?re looking to build a muscle group that?s predominantly red muscle fibers, you?re entering a world of pain.

    Larry ScottAugust 1, 2004
  • Huge Hamstrings

    Larry Scott discovers a new ham-blasting exercise

    Larry ScottJuly 1, 2004
  • Building a Great Back

    Larry Scott?s back-blasting advice, part 2

    Over-40 TrainingLarry ScottJune 1, 2004
  • Train To Gain: Sermon on the Mounts

    Preacher curls for higher peaks

    Larry ScottNovember 1, 2001